GKM Ultra-Vario-Sonic System

How it works

This ultrasonic screen cleaning system achieves much more efficient screening, especially with very fine screen cloths, which can significantly increase the screening throughput with the same screening surface. Screening in the range of up to 20 µm is possible. In addition, clogging of the meshes or sticking of difficult-to-screen products is prevented. It is particularly suitable for contamination-free screening, such as for food and pharmaceutical products.

The microprocessor-controlled hi-tech sound generator uses a converter to excite a sound transmission ring with bonded screen mesh. This distributes the ultrasonic waves over the entire screen surface and reduces the frictional resistance between the screen product and the screen mesh. This simple and patented method prevents the development of resonance effects, which are the cause of high temperatures (“hot spots”) and reduces the mechanical load on the screen frame and mesh. The amplitudes and frequency bandwidths can be individually adapted to each screen and each screening task.

This system is designed so that it can be retrofitted to all new or existing screening machines.

Features and advantages

Patrick Maurer

Sales Director

+49 (151) 62855643

Vorschau: Ultraschall Englisch
Ultraschall Englisch
