
GKM Services Int. GmbH & Co. KG changed to GKM Services Int. GmbH 23.07.2020

Change of company form!!

We would like to inform you about the change of our company form. GKM Services Int. GmbH & Co. KG changed to GKM Services Int. GmbH.

This results in the following changes: GKM Services Int. GmbH VAT ID: DE242950788 Commercial register: Mannheim HRB 232733 Tax No. / Tax No.44076/01722

All general terms and conditions as well as sales and delivery conditions, bank details etc. remain valid without change. Furthermore, the invoice and delivery address remains unaffected by the change. We kindly ask you to use the new company name in our business correspondence with immediate effect. We are looking forward to continue our good and successful cooperation!

Digital Dialogue at Solids & Recycling Technology Dortmund 22.06.2020

Digitaler Dialog

We'll stay in contact with you!!!

Unfortunately, we were not able to see each other at Solids 2020 in Dortmund this year. However, we would like to stay in contact with you and therefore take this opportunity. From 30.06. to 02.07.2020 the Digital Dialogue of SOLIDS & RECYCLING-TECHNIK will take place. Participate free of charge in the digital industry meeting with experts from the bulk solids and recycling technology industry. Meet our commercial manager Mr. Franz Tallner for a lively exchange of information about twist screening machines for your special applications. This dialogue will take place on 30.06.2020 from 10:00-11:00 o’clock.

Please register under the following link: Siebtechnik GmbH Siebtechnik GmbH.

We are looking forward to meet you!